Email Reminders

Remind your people their feedback is important and that you’re all ears.

  • Make sure your people don’t forget how much you value their feedback
  • Boost your survey response rates
  • Remind employees that your digital door is always open…with Open Door
  • Get more feedback through Hive Surveying, Hive Open Door and Hive Fives

Article contents

  1. How do the email reminders work?
  2. Why would I need to send reminders?
  3. How do I send the reminders to my people?
  4. Will using the ‘Send Survey Reminder’ button send it to all users?
  5. When can I send a survey or reminder?
  6. What if my employees are across different time zones?
  7. Can I send a reminder email for Hive Fives and/or Open Door too?
  8. How often can I send reminders?
  9. Can I send a reminder to an individual employee?
  10. Can I customise the email reminders sent to my employees?

How do the email reminders work?

Email reminders are just a gentle nudge to prompt your people to have their say! You can send customised messages to encourage them to complete a survey, send a Hive Five or make use of Open Door.

Why would I need to send reminders?

We are all guilty of letting a busy work schedule overwhelm us from time to time, but feedback is essential to improve the overall workplace experience and should be treated as such. It’s important your people know their voices matter, so email reminders are great for showing you’re eager to hear their feedback!

How do I send the reminders to my people?

Easy peasy. Send a reminder to everyone who is yet to respond by accessing your Hive dashboard and clicking the ‘Send Survey Reminder’ button. Remember that only those with platform access to the user section can do this!

Will using the ‘Send Survey Reminder’ button send it to all users?

This button will only send out a reminder to those who haven't yet submitted a response. Of course, our confidentiality commitment still applies, so you won't see who has or hasn't responded, but our system will know and send out reminders accordingly. Clever, eh?

When can I send a survey or reminder?

Our “social sending hours” are 9 am–9 pm GMT/BST, meaning surveys or reminders can only be sent during that window. If you try to send a survey or reminder outside of these hours, it will hit inboxes as soon as the next window opens (e.g. if you send at 9.05 pm, the survey will launch at 9 am the next morning).

What if my employees are across different time zones?

Time zones for each of your employees will be included in the user data file you share with us. If you send a survey outside of anyone's local social sending hours, it will deliver at the next opportunity (9 am in their local time zone). For example, if an employee is listed as Pacific Standard Time (GMT-7) and the survey is sent at 10 pm UK time, the survey will be delivered instantly to that employee because it is within their social sending hours.

Can I send a reminder email for Hive Fives and/or Open Door too?

Of course! Just as you would with a survey reminder, when you access your Hive dashboard you will see two buttons on the right-hand side that let you send Hive Five reminders and Open Door reminders.

How often can I send reminders?

You can send a reminder for a survey, Hive Fives or Open Door once every 48 hours. Be aware—this will only send to the people you have previously invited to this survey.

Can I send a reminder to an individual employee?

You sure can! Just access the user section in the bottom left of your Hive dashboard, search for the employee you wish to remind and hit the 3 dot button by their name to send a reminder. It’s worthwhile noting that this will also invite the employee to the survey if they weren’t already invited. 

And don’t worry, sending a reminder to an individual does not compromise the confidentiality of that person's feedback—the responses from any individual are always confidential.


Can I customise the email reminders sent to my employees?

Of course! It’s best if the content your people receive reflects the internal tone of your organisation. Check out our Customising Reminder Email Templates for Hive Fives, Open Door and Live Surveys and Customise Your Survey Emails learn more!