Hive In-Control

There may be instances where you don’t have complete contact details for someone within your organisation, for example a contractor or casual worker. In this situation you’re missing out on hearing their voice and allowing them to recognise others via Hive Fives.

In order to allow you to hear every voice within your organisation, these workers can still take part in surveys via Hive In-Control.

How it works:

  1. In the case where an organisation doesn’t hold an email address or mobile phone number for a user. The user is able to provide this information themselves.

  2. Firstly, the user needs to have been added to Hive through a data upload or by an admin from the organisation.

  3. Next the user visits a dedicated webpage, where they can provide their personal information (e.g. first name, last name, DOB or another unique identifier), which will be matched and verified against the data added by the organisation.

  4. Once this is verified they can then provide their preferred contact details (email address and/or mobile phone number). These are then stored ready for when you next send out a survey or Hive Fives and Open Door requests.

Why you should be using it:

  • Increased response rates to your surveys
  • Opens you up to hearing ideas, questions and concerns from previously unheard voices
  • Show that you truly value every voice by giving everyone a chance to respond to your surveys
  • Giving everybody (e.g. a contractor or part-time worker) the ability to respond allows you to build a more complete picture of your culture